Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The interview of Andrew Jackson's life

In 1828 I ran for president and people considered it the direst presidential champaign in United States of America. I ran against John Quincy Adams, the son of the second president and the first father son presidents of the nations history. Everyone knows that the second president was John Adams. John Quincy Adams was the Nations sixths President and then there was me the hero of the battle of New Orleans. During this election we both used dirty tricks to get the votes of the congress. Everyone called these types of dirty tricks mudslinging. John Quincy Adams was accused of traveling on Sundays, being an alcoholic and using being “public money”to buy “gambling furniture,” for the White House. He had actually used
his money to buy billiard tables. People started to think of me as a crude and ignorant man. Then they started to think if I was like that that I would not be fit to be a President. Then people started to say that my wife had married me when she was still married to her first us banned. Then they started to talk things about my mother and that she had immoral behavior.
But then my men started to call me an “Old Hickory,” by my own troops and I was devastated. I brook down and cried. The people deiced that I was best for president. But the rich people didn't believe I was right for the job. But I decided to prove it to them by showing them that the people had made the right choice on picking me. And I will tell you exactly what I did. When I was sworn into presidency people followed me to a party at the White House. But then it broke into a riot and people with bloody noises and girls fainting and I was forced to get out the back door.
But when I was born my dad was dead and during the American Revolution I was only 13. Then after the war I decided to become a lawyer. I at Salisbury, North Carlina and I had got many names and people asked me if I learned any law there. And I then went to Nashville, Tennessee, so I could practice more law. As I was learning law I started to get more money and I decided to get land and slaves and be set up as a gentleman planter. Then someone called me “a worthless scoundrel” and we then had a duel of pistols. I engaged Charles Dickson and even though he was supposed to have the best shot in Tennessee, but I still didn't care. As the duel began he got the first shot and hit me in the chest. But then I shot him and he dropped dead on the ground.
In 1812 I was ended up on being the hero of New Orleans. Then in 1824 I ran for president, but lost. Then in 1828 I ran for president again and one this time. And I also ran for president in 1832 and won again. And that was my last time being president.

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